Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tray 17 Video


Tray 17

Today I started tray 17.  I was also given tray 18 and 19, and made a followup appointment for October 1st.  At that appointment I will find out if I'm going to need to use trays 20, 21 and 22, or if I will not use them, but take new impressions for some refinement trays.

I'm excited to be nearing the end of this adventure. I'm happy to see my straighter teeth and I was told by my orthodontist that I am the model patient.  It really isn't me. It's just being compliant.  I really do wear these trays all the time, except for when I'm eating and drinking.  I also have been wearing my rubber bands every time I have a tray in.  Today I got a little reward for my efforts. I get to ditch one rubber band and only wear one on the left side!  Small victory!  
Look no rubber band on my right side!

Tray 17 is in!

My latest smile!
Taking one tray at a time!