Monday, April 15, 2013

Tray 8 and Rubber bands!

What's a little rubber band after a Migraine?

Today I found the key to going to the Orthodontist, and not feeling bad about any pain. Just get a migraine about 3 hours before your appointment. You will feel so bad that by the time you go to the Orthodontist and have recovered from your "Hell," you will actually be telling yourself, "I feel so good!"

Now, I hope this doesn't become a routine, but that is in fact what happened today. I got an Ocular Migraine at around 11:00 a.m.  I immediately came home, popped a 600mg Ibuprofen, ate some food, drank a lot of water, and had a cup of coffee.  By the time my 2:00 p.m. appointment rolled around, I was feeling a lot better. I think having the Ibuprofen in my system already helped this appointment as the new tray didn't seem to be as tight or bother me as much as it has in the past.

Today I received trays 8-10 and also rubber bands.  They had to attach two "buttons" to my second from the back lower teeth. This didn't hurt at all and was a rather quick process. The rubber band attaches around the button on the bottom and then is connected to a little notch in the top Invisalign tray.

I actually thought the rubber bands would be bigger and more noticeable. So a small victory. Yay!

I have now experienced the trays alone, with attachments, and now with rubber bands.  On my next visit in six weeks they will file down some of my teeth to help in the straightening. I think that will then complete my evolution down the Invisalign road.

Happy trails to me.............
